
Alumni Honorary Degree and Fellowship Holders

Honorary Degree and Fellowship Holders

台湾六合彩开奖结果 wishes to recognise the outstanding contributions of inspiring people in our University community. Honorary Doctorate Awards are prestigious honours, intended to recognise substantial achievements of or contributions made by individuals. Read more about 台湾六合彩开奖结果's honorary award requirements and procedures.
2021 Honorary Doctorate Award Recipients
Photo: 2021 Honorary Doctorate Awardees.  Back row:  James Birrell Jnr (son of James Birrell), Norm Smith (nephew of Margaret Roderick), Denis Lennox, Dr Len Rutledge, Victor Steffensen, Prof Ian Young AO, Bill Mitchell OAM, Commissioner Katarina Carrol APM, Emeritus Professor Peter Coaldrake AO, Prof Dennis Pashen, Darryl Murgha, Loren Waters (niece of Edna Shaw), Gail Mabo (daughter of Eddie Koiki Mabo)
Front row:  Judith Trevan-Hawke, Sean Dorney MBE AM, Tony Bacic, Valerie Alberts, Laurie Bragge, Graham Jackson OAM, Bernard Singleton

Emeritus Professor is a title accorded to Professors on retirement or resignation, who have given distinguished academic service to the scholarly community and/or the University community.



Professor C.A. Roderick

6 October 1977 (deceased)

Professor R.T. Sussex

7 February 1980

Professor W.C. Lacy

3 September 1981

Professor J.F. Ward

6 October 1983

Professor J. Oliver

9 February 1984

Professor C. Burdon-Jones

7 September 1985

Professor K.J.C. Back

6 February 1986

Professor B.C. Rennie

6 February 1986

Professor D.H. Trollope

1 October 1987

Professor R.S.F. Campbell

1 October 1987

Professor E. Scott

5 October 1989

Professor B.J. Dalton

1 February 1990

Professor G.E. Kearney

7 June 1990

Professor K.V. Sinclair

6 February 1992

Professor R. Golding

4 July 1996 (Relinquished)

Professor C.P. Harris

3 October 1996

Professor L.F. Lindoy

6 March 1997

Professor R.T. Jackson

5 February 1998

Professor Peter Arlett

3 July 1998

Professor D.J. Griffiths

3 July 1998

Professor R. Peterson

3 July 1998

Professor Rhondda Jones

1 November 2001

Professor Howard Choat

1 November 2001

Professor D.J. Close

24 February 2005

Professor A.J. Hassall

23 March 2006

Professor R.A. Henderson

7 December 2007

Professor Barbara Hayes

7 December 2007

Professor David Hopley

21 February 2008

Professor Bernard Moulden

21 February 2008

Professor Norman Palmer

4 July 2008

Professor Janet Greeley

30 September 2008

Professor Richard Pearson

10 October 2011

Professor Richard Speare

31 August 2012 (deceased)

Professor James Burnell

4 December 2014

Professor David Yellowlees

27 February 2015

Professor Ross Alford

1 April 2016

Professor Bette Willis

24 December 2016

Professor Stephen Graw

27 October 2017

Professor Helene Marsh

27 October 2017

Professor Nola Alloway

25 October 2019

Professor Ian Wronski AO

4 November 2020

Professor Joe Holtum5 April 2020
Professor Philip Munday7 May 2021
Professor Terry Hughes22 October 2021
Professor Sandra Harding AO11 February 2022
Professor Chris Cocklin6 May 2022
Adjunct Professor Rocky de Nys8 September 2022
Professor Peter Case10 May 2023

The award of Honorary Doctor of the University will generally be conferred upon a person who has had a strong association with the University and/or whose eminent achievement is not based on a particular discipline or field of study, but rather through service to the university, or wider society through business or public service.

Factors to be taken into consideration for the Award of an Honorary Doctor of the University:

  • service that an individual has rendered to the University which is of an exceptional or exemplary nature which has significantly contributed toward the advancement of the University's well-being or reputation;
  • the length of time the nominee has been involved with, contributed to, or employed by, the University in a senior capacity, and
  • have upheld the principles and values of professional behaviour outlined in the Student Code of Conduct.

Doctor of the University

1998    Professor Emeritus Kenneth Richard McKinnon AO

2000    Mr John Williams

2005    Mr Gregory Neville Whitmore

2008    Emeritus Professor Bernard Paul Moulden AM

2008    Mr Henry Heng Jee Kwang

2008    Her Excellency Ms Quentin Alice Louise Bryce AC DStJ

2013    Her Excellency Ms Penelope Anne Wensley AC DStJ Gr Officier de l’Ordre National du M茅rite France

2014    Mr David Dahwurri Hudson

2015    Dr Dennis Trewin AO

2015    Mr Piers Lane AO

2015    Dr Lim Neo Chian

2016    His Excellency Mr Phillip Green OAM

2016    Lieutenant General John Cedric Grey, AC (Ret’d)

2018    Mr Yeo Li Pheow

2018    Mr Clive Skarott AM

2021    Her Excellency Dr Gillian Bird PSM

2021    Emeritus Professor Peter Coaldrake AO

2021    Mr Eddie Koiki Mabo

2021    Mrs Margaret Roderick

2021    Mr Campbell Charlton

2022    Mr Peter Phillips

The details in this list have been checked against the historical records of the University (principally its Graduation Booklets) and other available sources.  In each instance, the quoted titles and honorifics are those believed to have applied at the time the award was bestowed.

Whilst every care has been taken in compiling this list, errors may remain or details may be incomplete.  To effect a correction, please contact the Secretariat at 台湾六合彩开奖结果 at

The University may award an Honorary Doctorate of Letters, or a discipline based honorary doctorate.

  • An Honorary Doctorate of Letters will generally be conferred upon a person who has made an eminent contribution in a field or discipline for which 台湾六合彩开奖结果 does not have a named degree.
  • An Honorary Doctorate in a named discipline will generally be conferred upon a person who has made an eminent contribution in a field or discipline for which 台湾六合彩开奖结果 has a named degree.

Factors taken into consideration when awarding an Honorary Doctorate include one or more of the following:

  • outstanding service or distinguished public contribution to the northern Queensland and/or Singaporean communities;
  • exceptional service which an individual has rendered to the University, comprising either academic excellence, distinguished creative achievement or the exercise of outstanding leadership;
  • exceptional contributions beyond the expectations of the nominee’s particular field of endeavour, which have influenced the thinking or general well-being of humanity, and
  • have upheld the principles and values of professional behaviour outlined in the Student Code of Conduct.

Doctor of Educational Studies

1991    Sir Alkan Tololo KBE

1995    Ms Kathleen McArthur

1996    Mr Alan Ross MacKee

1997    Mr Francis (Frank) Allan Young

2003    Ms Penelope (Penny) Estelle Rosable Tripcony

2004    Dr Paul Kenneth Brock

2008    Dr (Jeannie) Heather Jeannie Herbert

2013    Associate Professor Noel Loos

2014    Emeritus Professor Allan Luke

2018    Mrs Lauretta Elizabeth Graham

Doctor of Letters

1986    Mr George Vivian Roberts CBE

1988    His Excellency the Hon. Sir Walter Benjamin Campbell Kt cr

1989    Mr Keith Neville Patrick Chester

1991    Mr John Coburn AM

1993    The Hon. Sir Joseph Patrick (George) Kneipp Kt cr

1994    Sir Francis Thomas Moore AO Kt cr

1994    Sir Robert Henry Norman OBE

1995    Mrs Joan Innes Reid AM

1999    The Hon. Keith Ernest De Lacy

2001    The Hon. Margaret Reynolds

2001    Mr Arnold “Puggy” Hunter

2002    Dr Evelyn Ruth Scott

2002    Lady Florence (Pearl) Logan MBE

2003    Professor Sharon Mary Sullivan

2003    Hon. Justice Michael Donald Kirby AC CMG

2004    Mr Percy James Trezise AM

2004    Bishop Raymond Conway Benjamin DD Bishop Emeritus of Townsville

2005    Dr Dorothy (Dot) Merle Cole

2005    Mr Tommy George

2005    Mr George Musgrave

2005    Dr Thancoupie Gloria Fletcher James AO

2007    Mr Peter Laurence Black OAM

2009    Mr Ernest (Ernie) Hoolihan

2010    Mr Ernie Grant

2013    Mr George Skeene

2015    Mr Johnathon Dean Thurston AM

2017    Dame Carol Kidu DBE

2018    Mrs Ernestine Bonita Mabo AO

2021    Ms Valerie Alberts

2021    Mr James Birrell

2021    Mr Laurie Bragge

2021    Commissioner Dr Katarina Carroll APM

2021    Mr Sean Dorney MBE AM

2021    Mr Darryl Murgha

2021    Dr Len Rutledge

2021    Miss Edna Shaw

2021    Mr Bernard Luke Singleton

2021    Professor David Hulme OBE

Doctor of Science

1995    Professor Emeritus Kenneth John Campbell Back AO

1995    Dr Barbara Joan Stelling

1999    Dr Christopher John Crossland

2001    Mr Richard Ambrose Kenchington

2005    Dr Douglas Bruce Copeman AO

2006    Sir Sydney Schubert

2007    The Hon. Dr Michael Richard Lewis Wooldridge

2007    Dr John Barton Best AM

2008    Professor John Hemsley Pearn Major General (Ret’d) AM KStJ RFD

2008    Major Leslie James Hiddins AM (Ret’d)

2009    The Hon Virginia Anne Chadwick AO

2012    Professor Peter Andrews AO

2013    Dr Ian Raymond Poiner

2015    Emeritus Professor John Howard Choat

2017    Commodore Andrew Robertson CSC PSM

2017    Mr Robert Jago

2018    Professor Ian Thomas Ring AO

2021    Professor Tony Bacic

2021    Dr Peter Isdale AM

2021    Mr Victor Steffensen

2021    Associate Professor Judith Trevan-Hawke

2021    Emeritus Professor David Yellowlees

2021    Dr Geoffry Fordyce

Doctor of Engineering

1980    Sir George Read Fisher Kt cr CMG BE Adel HonLLD Qld

1994    Mr John McGillivray McIntyre AM OBE BE NZ FTS FICE Hon FIEAust

1995    Mr Kevin John Macks AM ASTC LFRAIA FAIB AIArbA FFAICD

2008    Mr Donald George Fry AO DipEng (Mech&Elec) Hon FIEAust CEng MIMarE MRINA FTSE

2021    Ms Andrea Della Mattea

Doctor of Medicine

2018    Ms Marita Cowie AM

2019    Dr Christopher Kennedy OAM

2021    Dr Richard Harris SC OAM

2021    Dr Denis Lennox

2021    Dr Dennis Pashen

Doctor of Commerce

2004    Mr Ronald Keith Ireland OAM

2009    Mr George Edward Chapman AO

2013    Mr (Bill) Foo Say Mui

2014    Mr Les Tyrell OAM

2017    Mr John Herbert Morris

2021    Mr Graham Jackson OAM

2023    Ms Sarina Russo

Doctor of Laws

2007    The Hon. Justice Keiran Anthony (Kerry) Cullinane

2011    The Hon. Justice Stanley Graham Jones AO

2021    Mr Bill Mitchell OAM

The details in this list have been checked against the historical records of the University (principally its Graduation Booklets) and other available sources.  In each instance, the quoted titles and honorifics are those believed to have applied at the time the award was bestowed.

Whilst every care has been taken in compiling this list, errors may remain or details may be incomplete.  To effect a correction, please contact the Secretariat at 台湾六合彩开奖结果 at

Honoris causa is a degree awarded without examination, as a mark of esteem upon an individual.

Factors to be taken into consideration for the award of a degree honoris causa:

  • exceptional achievement and academic eminence in a field of study or discipline offered by the University;
  • as well as recognising normally either outstanding service which an individual has rendered to the University beyond the level customarily expected in the execution of the person's duties; or
  • exceptional contributions to the advancement of human well-being; and
  • have upheld the principles and values of professional behaviour outlined in the Student Code of Conduct.

Doctor of Educational Studies

1992   Professor Emeritus Edward Scott AM

Doctor of Engineering

1988   Professor Emeritus David Hugh Trollope

2021   Professor Ian Young AO

Doctor of Laws

2012   The Honorable Ian Callinan AC

Doctor of Letters

1982   His Excellency the Right Honorable Sir Zelman Cowen AK GCMG GCVO KStJ QC

1991   Professor Emeritus Colin Arthur Roderick CBE

1992   Professor Emeritus Brian James Dalton

1993   Professor Emeritus Keith Val Sinclair AO Officier de l'Ordre National du Merite France Commendatore nell'Ordine al Merito Italy Officier de l'Ordre de la Couronne Belgium Commandeur de l'Ordre des Palmes Academiques France Officier de l'Ordre de Merite Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg

2003   The Honorable Justice Michael Kirby AC CMG

2003   Sharon Mary Sullivan

2011   Donat Gallagher OAM

2012   Professor Henry Reynolds

2017   Adjunct Professor Robert Dixon

Doctor of Science

1988   Professor Emeritus Roderick Samuel Fisher Campbell

2003   Dr Ralph Owen Slatyer AO AC

2005   Professor Joseph Thomas Baker AO OBE

2008   The Honorable Doctor Basil Hetzel AC

2009   Professor Emeritus Robert Porter AC

2021   Professor Betsy Jackes

2022    Emeritus Professor Terry Hughes

2022    Mr James Stanton PSM

The details in this list have been checked against the historical records of the University (principally its Graduation Booklets) and other available sources.  In each instance, the quoted titles and honorifics are those believed to have applied at the time the award was bestowed.

Whilst every care has been taken in compiling this list, errors may remain or details may be incomplete.  To effect a correction, please contact the Secretariat at 台湾六合彩开奖结果 at

The award of Fellow of the University will generally be conferred upon a person who has made a distinguished contribution to the University or to wider society, through public service or academic achievement.

Factors to be taken into consideration for the Award of a Fellow of the University include one or more of the following:

  • significant service to the northern Queensland and/or Singaporean communities;
  • significant service which an individual has rendered to the University;
  • significant contributions to the advancement of human well-being; and
  • have upheld the principles and values of professional behaviour outlined in the Student Code of Conduct.

Other factors that may be taken into account:

  • significant support for the improvement of the University;
  • major contributions toward activities resulting in the significant development or promotion of the University.

Fellow of the University

2009    Professor Gail Mackay

2010    Ms Carmel Daveson AM

2011    Associate Professor Barry Osborne

The details in this list have been checked against the historical records of the University (principally its Graduation Booklets) and other available sources.  In each instance, the quoted titles and honorifics are those believed to have applied at the time the award was bestowed.

Whilst every care has been taken in compiling this list, errors may remain or details may be incomplete.  To effect a correction, please contact the Secretariat at 台湾六合彩开奖结果 at