
Policy Academic Governance Special Consideration Procedure (effective from 01/01/2023)

Special Consideration Procedure (effective from 01/01/2023)


This procedure supports the Student Special Circumstances Policy and the Learning, Teaching and Assessment Policy, specifically Clause 3.8 of the Learning, Teaching and Assessment Policy requires students to make themselves available for assessments and examinations at the scheduled times and may apply for Special Consideration if affected by Special Circumstances.

This procedure addresses HESF Standard 2.2: Diversity and Equity, and 2.3: Wellbeing and Safety.


This procedure applies to students enrolled in coursework subjects at all 台湾六合彩开奖结果 campuses including 台湾六合彩开奖结果 Singapore and 台湾六合彩开奖结果 Brisbane who meet the definition of Special Circumstances.

This procedure does not apply to:

  • for students admitted into higher degrees by research, or
  • 台湾六合彩开奖结果 students enrolled in subjects at other institutions.


Except where otherwise indicated in this procedure, the definitions used in this procedure are found in the Student Special Circumstances Policy or the Policy Glossary.


1. Application

1.1 Students must apply using the and provide supporting documentary evidence as outlined in Appendix 1 Special Circumstances Supporting Documentation.

1.2 Students who have obtained reasonable adjustments through an Access Plan can use their Access Plan as supporting documentation unless the application for Special Consideration is based on the following, in which case separate supporting documentary evidence is required:

1.2.1 a different Special Circumstance that is outside the scope of the Access Plan, or

1.2.2 an acute and unexpected exacerbation that is outside the scope of the Access Plan.

1.3 Supporting documentary evidence (details of which are outlined in Appendix 1 Special Circumstances Supporting Documentation) must:

1.3.1 be independent. Evidence signed by family members will not be accepted. A statutory declaration (or equivalent for students residing overseas) from the student may be accepted for compassionate or emergency grounds or unscheduled or unexpected events relating to religious or cultural consideration if no independent evidence exists.

1.3.2 identify the circumstances.

1.3.3 include dates and/or the period of the circumstances.

1.3.4 explain the severity and impact of the circumstances.

1.3.5 clearly describe how the circumstances have adversely affected the student’s capacity for effective study to which an assessment/examination relates; and

1.3.6 include the date(s) on which the student was seen by a professional providing evidence.

1.4 Where students are providing supporting documentation for medical or psychological reasons students should use the 台湾六合彩开奖结果 Medical Certificate. If this certificate is not used or correctly completed, students may be asked to seek additional information from their medical professional.

1.5 Supporting documentation for medical or psychological reasons must have resulted from a face to face or online consultation with a medical practitioner.  Medical certificates where there has been no consultation (e.g., receiving a medical certificate based on a questionnaire a student has submitted) will not be accepted.

1.6 Students may be asked to provide original documents or to authenticate any documentary evidence provided as part of their application.

1.7 Students may lodge more than one Special Consideration application for the same assessment item only if:

1.7.1 the same Special Circumstances unexpectedly extends beyond the dates provided in the original documentary evidence; or

1.7.2 new Special Circumstances have occurred; and

1.7.3 the student can support this with updated documentary evidence

1.8 Students must comply with the timeframes outlined in Clause 2.4 for submission of a Special Consideration application.

1.9 Late applications will only be accepted by the decision maker where the student can demonstrate with independent supporting evidence or a statutory declaration if independent supporting evidence is not available that Special Circumstances prevented the student from applying within the timeframe under Clause 2.4.

2. Application assessment

2.1 The decision maker (as detailed in the table below), when assessing a Special Consideration application, must:

2.1.1 consider the equity measures as outlined in Clause 3.3 of the Student Special Circumstances Policy and the subject outline; and

2.1.2 ensure that modes and methods of assessment are equitable for all students enrolled in a subject; and

2.1.3 not compromise the integrity of assessment requirements and processes, including the course with any equity measures including the course Inherent Requirements; and

2.1.4 not allow an undue advantage for the student; and

2.1.5 make a decision based on individual circumstances; and

2.1.6 consider the approved adjustments of an Access Plan, if an Access Plan is in place.

2.2 The decision maker can seek approval from the Academic Head for a change to the mode of assessment, for example the submission of a workbook in lieu of an online examination.

2.3 Decision makers must record any changes to the assessment items, and modes and methods of assessment in college records.

2.4 Outcomes (including reasons for a decision if the application is denied) will be notified to the student by their 台湾六合彩开奖结果 email in accordance with the following due dates:


Application Type

Application Due Date

Potential Equity Measures & Decision Makers

Outcome Due Date


Extension to due date of an assessment

Before the due date of the assessment.

An extension request may be approved by the Subject Coordinator and a revised due date assigned.

Within two university working days of receiving that application.


Reschedule the start date/time of an assessment item such as an oral or practical assessment.


Reschedule an On Course Examination

No later than three university working days after the scheduled date of the activity.

A rescheduled assessment or examination may be approved by the Subject Coordinator.

Within five university working days of receiving that application.


Notification of missing one or more mandatory attendance requirement such as laboratory/practical/class or placement.

No later than three university working days after the scheduled date of the activity.

  • An alternative class   attendance, activity or assessment submission may be required by Subject   Coordinator to fulfil compulsory class attendance requirements as specified   in the Subject Outline.
  • Alternative placement   attendance can be granted by the Placement Coordinator to fulfil placement   participation requirements as specified in the Subject Outline.

Within five university working days of receiving that application.


Deferral of an End of Study Period Examination where known Special Circumstances will prevent exam attendance.

Before the scheduled date of the End of Study Period Examination

A deferred examination is approved by the Manager, Examinations and Graduation. The application outcome may also be applied to all remaining   examinations in that study period.

Within three university working days of receiving that application.


Notification of Special Circumstances occurring up to 3 days before an End of Period Examination that impacted the preparation but not attendance for that Examination.

No later than three university working days after the scheduled date of the End of Study Period Examination.

An equity measure will be applied during the College Assessment Meeting as approved by the College Dean.

Equity measures may include:

  • Supplementary examination or   assessment
  • Special examination or assessment
  • Amendment of final subject result

Where a supplementary or special assessment or examination is approved within three university working days of the Result Publication Date for the study period of the subject.

There is no notification for amendments to final subject results.


Special Circumstance occurring the day before or day of an End of Study Period Examination that prevented attendance at that Examination.

No later than three university working days after the scheduled date of the End of Study Period Examination.

Exam deferral

Within three university working days of receiving that application


Special Circumstance occurring the day before or day of a Supplementary or Deferred Examination that prevented attendance at that Examination.

No later than three university working days after the scheduled date of the Supplementary or Deferred Examination

A Special Examination approved by the College Dean

Within three university working days after the end of the Supplementary/Deferred Examination Period of the subject.


Notification of Special Circumstances that occurred during the study period that specifically impacted performance or completion of On Course assessments or examinations but did not prevent submission or sitting of the assessments or examinations.

No later than three university working days after the due date of the assessment/examination impacted.

An equity measure will be applied during the College Assessment Meeting as approved by the College Dean.

Equity measures may include:

  • Supplementary examination or   assessment
  • Special examination or assessment
  • Amendment of final subject   result

Where a supplementary or special assessment or examination is approved within three university working days of the Result Publication Date for the study period of the subject.

There is no notification for amendments to final subject results.

3. Scheduling of equity measures

3.1 Any approved equity measures should be scheduled so that, where possible:

3.1.1 students are not disadvantaged; and

3.1.2 pre-requisite subjects can be completed in a timely manner; and

3.1.3 deferred and supplementary examinations occur within the next immediate Deferred and Supplementary Examination Period or earlier at the discretion of the college; or

3.1.4 special assessments or examinations occur as soon as practicable within 4 weeks of approval.

3.2 If a student cannot complete a deferred or supplementary assessment or examination due to Special Circumstances, the student should submit a new Special Consideration application following the requirements of this procedure.

Related policy instruments

Student Special Circumstances Policy

Learning, Teaching and Assessment Policy

Learning, Teaching and Assessment Procedure

Student Disability AccessAbility Support and Plans Procedure


Appendix 1 Special Circumstances Supporting Documentation

Related documents and legislation


NOTE:  Printed copies of this Procedure are uncontrolled, and currency can only be assured at the time of printing.

Approval Details

Policy DomainAcademic Governance

Policy Sub-domain

Student Experience

Policy Custodian

Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Education

Approval Authority

Academic Board

Date for next Major Review


Revision History


Approval date

Implementation date



23-117/07/202303/08/2023Amendment to accommodate students accessing AccessAbility.Deputy Director, Student Services




Student Special Circumstances Policy established, with rules from procedure moving to policy.

Deputy Director, Student Services




Minor amendment to Table 1 clarifying requirements for supporting documentation in the circumstances of issues with technology during timed online exams.

Deputy Director, Student Services



01/01/ 2021

Procedure established to support the Learning Teaching and Assessment Policy and Procedures.

Dean, Learning Teaching and Student Engagement


Examinations, assessment, defer, medical certificate, extension, special exam, supplementary, students, change assessment, change exam, deferred exam.

Contact person

Director, Student Services