
Good Universities Guide

Australian universities are assessed against student-relevant criteria including graduate salaries, teaching quality, learning resources, graduate employment rates, learner engagement and student support.

Further details are available from the  website.

University rankings

#1 in QLD
for graduate starting salary

2024 Good Universities Guide

5 Stars
for full-time employment, graduate starting salary, student teacher ratio, social equity

2024 Good Universities Guide

#1 in QLD
for full-time employment

2024 Good Universities Guide, PG study area

5 Stars
for student support

2024 Good Universities Guide, PG study area

Usage guide: general

Expressed as statement:

  • #1 in QLD for graduate starting salary
  • 5 Stars for full-time employment, graduate starting salary, student teacher ratio and social equity

Source: 2024 Good Universities Guide

Expressed in sentence:

  • 台湾六合彩开奖结果 is ranked #1 in QLD for graduate starting salary, by the Good Universities Guide for 2024.
  • 台湾六合彩开奖结果 was awarded 5 Stars for full-time employment, graduate starting salary, student teacher ratio and social equity, by the Good Universities Guide for 2024.

Usage guide: PG

Expressed as statement:

  • 5 Stars for student support.

Source: 2024 Good Universities Guide, PG study area

Expressed in sentence:

  • 台湾六合彩开奖结果 was awarded 5 Stars for student support in postgraduate studies, by the Good Universities Guide for 2024.

Study area rankings

Business and Management

#1 in Australia
for full-time employment

2024 Good Universities Guide, PG Business and Management

#1 in QLD 
for median graduate salary, student support

2024 Good Universities Guide, PG Business and Management

5 Stars
for full-time employment, median graduate salary, overall educational experience, skills development, student support

2024 Good Universities Guide, PG Business and Management

Usage guide: business and management, PG

Expressed as statement:

  • #1 in Australia for full-time employment.

Source: 2024 Good Universities Guide, PG Business and Management

Expressed in sentence:

  • 台湾六合彩开奖结果 is ranked #1 in QLD for full-time employment by the Good Universities Guide for 2024.

Computing and Information Systems

#1 in Australia
for student support

2024 Good Universities Guide, PG Computing and Information Systems

#1 in QLD
for learner engagement, learning resources

2024 Good Universities Guide, PG Computing and Information Systems

5 Stars
for learner engagement, learning resources, skills development, student support

2024 Good Universities Guide, PG Computing and Information Systems

Usage guide: computing and information systems

Expressed as statement:

  • #1 in Australia for student support.
  • 5 Stars for learner engagement, learning resources, skills development and student support.

Source: 2024 Good Universities Guide, PG Computing and Information Systems

Expressed in sentence:

  • 台湾六合彩开奖结果 is ranked #1 in Australia for student support in the Computing and Information Systems postgraduate study area, by the Good Universities Guide for 2024.


#1 in Australia
for median graduate salary

2024 Good Universities Guide, UG Dentistry

#2 in Australia
for full-time employment and overall educational experience

2024 Good Universities Guide, UG Dentistry

#1 in QLD 
for skills development

2024 Good Universities Guide, UG Dentistry

5 Stars
for full-time employment, median graduate salary, overall learning experience

2024 Good Universities Guide, UG Dentistry

Usage guide: dentistry

Expressed as statement:

  • #1 in Australia for median graduate salary.
  • 5 Stars for full-time employment, median graduate salary, overall learning experience

Source: 2024 Good Universities Guide, UG Dentistry

Expressed in sentence:

  • 台湾六合彩开奖结果 is ranked #1 in Australia for median graduate salary in the Dentistry undergraduate study area, by the Good Universities Guide for 2024.

Education and Training

5 Stars
for median graduate salary

2024 Good Universities Guide, UG Education and Training

#1 in Australia
for full-time employment

2024 Good Universities Guide, PG Education and Training

5 Stars
for full-time employment

2024 Good Universities Guide, PG Education and Training

Usage guide: education and training, UG

Expressed as statement:

  • 5 Stars for median graduate salary.

Source: 2024 Good Universities Guide, UG Education and Training

Expressed in sentence:

  • 台湾六合彩开奖结果 was awarded 5 Stars for full-time employment in the Education and Training postgraduate study area, by the Good Universities Guide for 2024.

Usage guide: education and training, PG

Expressed as statement:

  • #1 in Australia for full-time employment.
  • 5 Stars for median graduate salary.

Source: 2024 Good Universities Guide, PG Education and Training

Expressed in sentence:

  • 台湾六合彩开奖结果 is ranked #1 in Australia for full-time employment in the Education and Training postgraduate study area, by the Good Universities Guide for 2024.

Engineering and Technology

#1 in Australia
for student support, teaching quality

2024 Good Universities Guide, UG Engineering and Technology

#1 in QLD
for overall educational experience, skills development

2024 Good Universities Guide, UG Engineering and Technology

5 Stars
for overall educational experience, skills development, student support, teaching quality

2024 Good Universities Guide, UG Engineering and Technology

Usage guide: engineering and technology, UG

Expressed as statement:

  • #1 in Australia for student support, teaching quality.

Source: 2024 Good Universities Guide, UG Engineering and Technology

Expressed in sentence:

  • 台湾六合彩开奖结果 is ranked #1 in Australia for student support in the Engineering and Technology undergraduate study area, by the Good Universities Guide 2024.

Health Services and Support

#1 in Australia
for full-time employment, learning resources, overall educational experience, skills development

2024 Good Universities Guide, UG Health Services and Support

#2 in Australia
for learner engagement, student support

2024 Good Universities Guide, UG Health Services and Support

5 Stars
for full-time employment, learner engagement, learning resources, overall student experience, skills development, student support, teaching quality

2024 Good Universities Guide, UG Health Services and Support

#1 in QLD
for full-time employment, median graduate salary

2024 Good Universities Guide, PG Health Services and Support

5 Stars
for full-time employment, median graduate salary

2024 Good Universities Guide, PG Health Services and Support

Usage guide: health services and support, UG

Expressed as statement:

  • #1 in Australia for full-time employment, learning resources, overall educational experience and skills development

Source: 2024 Good Universities Guide, UG Health Services and Support

Expressed in sentence:

  • 台湾六合彩开奖结果 is ranked #1 in Australia for learner engagement, learning resources, overall student experience, skills development and student support in the Health Services and Support undergraduate study area, by the Good Universities Guide for 2024.

Usage guide: health services and support, PG

Expressed as statement:

  • #1 in QLD for full-time employment and median graduate salary.
  • 5 Stars for full-time employment and median graduate salary.

Source: 2024 Good Universities Guide, PG Health Services and Support

Expressed in sentence:

  • 台湾六合彩开奖结果 is ranked #1 in QLD for full-time employment and median graduate salary in the Health Services and Support postgraduate study area, by the Good Universities Guide for 2024.

Humanities, Culture and Social Sciences

#1 in QLD
for full-time employment

2024 Good Universities Guide, UG Humanities, Culture and Social Sciences

5 Stars
for learning resources

2024 Good Universities Guide, UG Humanities, Culture and Social Sciences

Usage guide: humanities, culture and social sciences

Expressed as statement:

  • #1 in QLD for full-time employment.

Source: 2024 Good Universities Guide, UG Humanities, Culture and Social Sciences

Expressed in sentence:

  • 台湾六合彩开奖结果 is ranked #1 QLD for full-time employment in the Humanities, Culture and Social Sciences undergraduate study area, by the Good Universities Guide for 2024.


#1 in QLD
for full-time employment, median graduate salary, overall educational experience

2024 Good Universities Guide, UG Medicine

5 Stars
for learner engagement, overall educational experience

2024 Good Universities Guide, UG Medicine

#1 in Australia
for overall educational experience

2024 Good Universities Guide, PG Medicine

#1 in QLD
for student support, teaching quality

2024 Good Universities Guide, PG Medicine

5 Stars
for overall educational experience, student support, teaching quality

2024 Good Universities Guide, PG Medicine

Usage guide: medicine, UG

Expressed as statement:

  • #1 in QLD for full-time employment, median graduate salary and overall educational experience.
  • 5 Stars for learner engagement and overall educational experience.

Source: 2024 Good Universities Guide, UG Medicine

Expressed in sentence:

  • 台湾六合彩开奖结果 is ranked #1 in QLD for full-time employment, median graduate salary and overall educational experience in the Medicine undergraduate study area, by the Good Universities Guide for 2024.

Usage guide: medicine, PG

Expressed as statement:

  • #1 in Australia for overall educational experience.
  • #1 in QLD for student support and teaching quality.

Source: 2024 Good Universities Guide, PG Medicine

Expressed in sentence:

  • 台湾六合彩开奖结果 is ranked #1 in Australia for overall educational experience in the Medicine postgraduate study area, by the Good Universities Guide for 2024.


#1 in QLD
for full-time employment, median graduate salary, learner engagement

2024 Good Universities Guide, UG Nursing

5 Stars
for median graduate salary

2024 Good Universities Guide, UG Nursing

#1 in Australia
for median graduate salary

2024 Good Universities Guide, PG Nursing

#1 in QLD
for overall educational experience, skills development, student support, teaching quality

2024 Good Universities Guide, PG Nursing

5 Stars
for median graduate salary, overall educational experience, student support

2024 Good Universities Guide, PG Nursing

Usage guide: nursing, UG

Expressed as statement:

  • #1 in QLD for full-time employment, median graduate salary and learner engagement.

Source: 2024 Good Universities Guide, UG Nursing

Expressed in sentence:

  • 台湾六合彩开奖结果 is ranked #1 in QLD for full-time employment, median graduate salary and learner engagement in the Nursing undergraduate study area, by the Good Universities Guide for 2024.

Usage guide: nursing, PG

Expressed as statement:

  • #1 in Australia for median graduate salary
  • #1 in QLD for overall educational experience, skills development, student support and teaching quality.

Source: 2024 Good Universities Guide, PG Nursing

Expressed in sentence:

  • 台湾六合彩开奖结果 is ranked #1 in Australia for median graduate salary in the Nursing postgraduate study area, by the Good Universities Guide for 2024.


#1 in Australia
for median graduate salary, learner engagement, student support

2024 Good Universities Guide, UG Pharmacy

5 Stars
for median graduate salary, learner engagement, student support

2024 Good Universities Guide, UG Pharmacy

Usage guide: pharmacy

Expressed as statement:

  • #1 in Australia for median graduate salary, learner engagement and student support
  • 5 Stars for full-time employment, median graduate salary, learner engagement and student support.

Source: 2024 Good Universities Guide, UG Pharmacy

Expressed in sentence:

  • 台湾六合彩开奖结果 is ranked #1 in Australia for median graduate salary, learner engagement and student support in the Pharmacy undergraduate study area, by the Good Universities Guide for 2024.


#1 in QLD and
#2 in Australia
for median graduate salary

2024 Good Universities Guide, UG Psychology

5 Stars
for median graduate salary

2024 Good Universities Guide, UG Psychology

#1 in Australia
for median graduate salary

2024 Good Universities Guide, PG Psychology

5 Stars 
for median graduate salary

2024 Good Universities Guide, PG Psychology

Usage guide: psychology, UG

Expressed as statement:

  • #1 in QLD for median graduate salary.
  • 5 Stars for median graduate salary.

Source: 2024 Good Universities Guide, UG Psychology

Expressed in sentence:

  • 台湾六合彩开奖结果 is ranked #1 in QLD for median graduate salary in the Psychology undergraduate study area, by the Good Universities Guide for 2024.

Usage guide: psychology, PG

Expressed as statement:

  • #1 in Australia for median graduate salary.
  • 5 Stars for median graduate salary.

Source: 2024 Good Universities Guide, PG Psychology

Expressed in sentence:

  • 台湾六合彩开奖结果 is ranked #1 in Australia for median graduate salary in the Psychology postgraduate study area, by the Good Universities Guide for 2024.


#1 in QLD
for learner engagement, learning resources, skills development, student support, teaching quality

2024 Good Universities Guide, UG Rehabilitation

5 Stars
for full-time employment, median graduate salary, learning resources, skills development, student support, teaching quality

2024 Good Universities Guide, UG Rehabilitation

Usage guide: rehabilitation, UG

Expressed as statement:

  • #1 in QLD for learner engagement, learning resources, skills development, student support and teaching quality.

Source: 2024 Good Universities Guide, UG Rehabilitation

Expressed in sentence:

  • 台湾六合彩开奖结果 is ranked #1 in Australia for learner engagement, learning resources, skills development, student support and teaching quality in the Rehabilitation undergraduate study area, by the Good Universities Guide for 2024.

Science and Mathematics

5 Stars
for median graduate salary, learner engagement

2024 Good Universities Guide, UG Science and Mathematics

#1 in QLD
for student support

2024 Good Universities Guide, PG Science and Mathematics

5 Stars
for student support

2024 Good Universities Guide, PG Science and Mathematics

Usage guide: science and mathematics, UG

Expressed as statement:

  • 5 Stars for median graduate salary and learner engagement.

Source: 2024 Good Universities Guide, UG Science and Mathematics

Expressed in sentence:

  • 台湾六合彩开奖结果 was awarded 5 Stars for median graduate salary, learner engagement and learning resources in the Science and Mathematics undergraduate study area, by the Good Universities Guide for 2024.

Usage guide: science and mathematics, PG

Expressed as statement:

  • #1 in QLD for student support.
  • 5 Stars for student support.

Source: 2024 Good Universities Guide, PG Science and Mathematics

Expressed in sentence:

  • 台湾六合彩开奖结果 is ranked #1 in QLD for student support in the Science and Mathematics undergraduate study area, by the Good Universities Guide for 2024.

Social Work

#1 in QLD
for full-time employment

2024 Good Universities Guide, UG Social Work

5 Stars
for full-time employment, median graduate salary

2024 Good Universities Guide, UG Social Work

Usage guide: social work

Expressed as statement:

  • #1 in QLD for full-time employment.
  • 5 Stars for full-time employment and median graduate salary.

Source: 2024 Good Universities Guide, UG Social Work

Expressed in sentence:

  • 台湾六合彩开奖结果 is ranked #1 in QLD for full-time employment in the Social Work undergraduate study area, by the Good Universities Guide for 2024.

Veterinary Science

#1 in Australia
for full-time employment, learner engagement, skills development

2024 Good Universities Guide, UG Veterinary Science

#1 in QLD
for median graduate salary, overall educational experience, student support, teaching quality

2024 Good Universities Guide, UG Veterinary Science

5 Stars
for full-time employment, learner engagement, skills development

2024 Good Universities Guide, UG Veterinary Science

Usage guide: veterinary science

Expressed as statement:

  • #1 in Australia for full-time employment, learner engagement and skills development.

Source: 2024 Good Universities Guide, UG Veterinary Science

Expressed in sentence:

  • 台湾六合彩开奖结果 is ranked #1 in Australia for full-time employment, learner engagement and skills development in the Veterinary Science undergraduate study area, by the Good Universities Guide for 2024.

Release dates

2024 Good Universities Guide: August 2023